Diamonds are a Poodle's Best Friend
Take this fabulously flamboyantly studdly Poodle (by Sphinx for Kenneth J Lane) for a walk with his ‘leash’ that is embellished with rough cut champagne diamonds, vey light aquamarine and moonstones.
In addition to its spiritual power, Diamond has an unconquerable hardness and has been known since antiquity as a “Stone of Invincibility,” bringing victory, superior strength, fortitude and courage to its wearer. It is associated with lightning and fearlessness, and for its properties of protection.
Aquamarine stones are beautiful crystals that heighten courage, and aid clear communication. They have strong metaphysical properties that help you to let go of old emotional issues you may be holding on to. By assisting you to release anger and reduce stress, it may help you to make positive changes in your life. These lovely stones help to heighten your courage when you are handling grief, and are powerful to assist self healing.
White Moonstone carries the energy of the new moon at the height of its power, stimulating psychic perception, vision and dream work. It can magnify one's emotions, activating the kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and is supportive in children to drive away nightmares or insomnia.