Dylan's Necklace
These dainty seed pearls and delicate zircon gems, in lavender and orange, will protect the wearer from negative energies and bad dreams, and sustain innocence. The perfect properties to don on a special little girl, Dylan, that this piece was commissioned for.
Pearls are said to give the wearer a sense of calm and centeredness and promote faith, loyalty, truth and purity. They can especially enhance personal integrity. In ancient China, pearls were believed to protect against fire, and in Europe they were associated with chastity and purity. Pearls retain that association with innocence today.
Folk wisdom says that zircon has the power to relieve pain, protect travelers and prevent nightmares. In the Middle Ages, this gem thought to induce sleep, drive away evil spirits, and promote riches, honour and wisdom. Zircon brings balance, spiritual grounding and healing. Zircon is a powerful grounding stone and is often used to harmonize one's inner goals and dreams with real life. It helps one to focus on maintaining ideals while transforming real life to the achievement of those goals.